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My name is Ariff. What I do is blog about something that matters; it could be a product, an experience, current issues, ideas or even complaints. I believe that it’s not what the story is about that could get people to read a blogger’s content but it’s more of how the story is told. I also believe that professional bloggers create compelling content and good businesspeople create quality product/company.

My achievement so far has been both locally and internationally, in English and in Bahasa Malaysia. While some bloggers focus on a particular segment of the market, I try to cater to as large audience as possible. However, my reader base consists mostly of young professionals.

  • Finalist for Blogging Competition by FamousBloggers.net 2009
  • Second place for Blogging Competition by FamousBloggers.net 2010
  • Successful blogger of Maxis10 Samsung Galaxy S programme 2010
  • Published author at Wptuts+ (since 2011)
  • Guest blogger at Denaihati.com (since 2011)
  • Winner Upcoming Blogger of the Year Award in conjunction with Malaysia Social Media Week 2012
  • .. and last but not least, was featured a bit here and there in the local dailies (Oriental Daily, Berita Harian, NST & Kosmo)

Some reviews that I want to show you: Samsung Galaxy Note, Emirates Business Class on Boeing 777-300ER & Beli Rumah (second place for search term ‘beli rumah’ in Google Search).

Yes, I understand SEO well, well enough that some of my post actually rank on the first page of Google search for that particular search term – one of the reasons why you should collaborate with me.

For further references, get this blog’s analytic data here – Last update: 31 December 2011. Write to me at admin@ariffshah.com or call me at 010-42-353-42. Looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards,



62 responses to “About”

  1. faiz Avatar

    since u bought EG5, do you consider the RSKU surroundings EG area? and ur comment pls.

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Doesn’t matter to me. RSKU is not low cost housing that we usually see in the middle of the city.

      RSKU will increase population in the area which in turn will spur local commercial activities.

  2. hannyabdullah Avatar

    Assalamualaikum Ariff..
    Suka tengok anak muda berjaya dalam hidup. Beringat sebelum terlambat kan. Tahniah atas setiap kejayaan yang diperolehi.
    Teringin juga nak ikut jejak langkah blogger2 yang dah berjaya ni, cuma masih terkial-kial mencari ilmu

  3. ariana Avatar

    bro ariff…mau tanya pasal saham…cimb or rhb yg senang untk buka akaun cds…bole bg pendapat x,saham apa sesuai beli dalam masa terdekat ni…saya newbie lg…hope membantu…

    1. Ariff Avatar

      RHB takde pengalaman. CIMB ok. Hari tu orang bank siap datang rumah untuk bukakkan akaun. Dalam masa terdekat, saham Oil and gas ok.

      1. ariana Avatar

        bro…cimb ok la…da bukak akaun pun…mau tanya,selain chart nexus,apa lagi yg boleh diguna…tq membantu.

        1. Ariff Avatar

          Chartnexus cukup dah kalau nak guna untuk technical analysis

  4. Joe Avatar

    Nak tanye, ape yang berubah dalam update google penguin baru baru nie ye?

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Dah lama tak baca pasal benda ni. Banyak study pasal benda lain pulak. Sorry tak dapat bantu

      1. Azaiwiah binti Abdullah Avatar
        Azaiwiah binti Abdullah

        Salam,terangkan lanjut saham nie coz berminat utk ubah nasib

  5. norhafizah abd rahim Avatar
    norhafizah abd rahim

    bukti pembayaran 2 kena upload dia punya resit or just write down dia punya number, interested nak beli buku wtf, tq

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Salam Norhafizah,

      Just copy paste transaction number dan date/time of the transaction. Terima kasih

  6. khairul hafiz Avatar

    hye sy hafiz dari kalng
    sy nk tanya awk tau x cara nk menciplak spm sbb sy x abis blajar pastu semua keja yg sy minta diorang nk sijil spm.harap awk dpt tolong sy
    terima kasih

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Takde cara lain bro, kena lepaskan jugak

  7. Cik Anonymous Avatar

    Jalan2 sana sini.. alih2 ke blog ni… simple n menarik gak blog awak ni… Wish u all the best… ^_____^v

  8. cik awesome Avatar

    nice blog… good issue..

  9. fary Avatar

    lama dah saya bace blog ni since tahun 2011..daripada ariffshah blaja sampai la ni da kerja..ape2 pun keep up the good work..semoga berjumpa secara realiti.hehe

  10. Alris Avatar

    Salam kenal ya. Saya berkunjung dari Jakarta. Salam

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Salam. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya Alris

  11. Ain Avatar

    Tadi saya cari info tentang ford fiesta…terus ditarik masuk ke sini..tengok muka kamu yang pakai spek itu, macam baru tadi nampak duduk di sebelah meja saya di kedai makan Meals Station KL Sentral dengan 4 orang kawan-kawan kamu.

    Walaupun mungkin silap orang, syabas kerana baik hati berkongsi info2 yang berguna dalam blog ini. Saya suka baca. Semoga kamu terus sukses.

  12. Solehah Avatar

    erkk muka awak ni macam saya pernah nampak la. serupa dengan seorang lelaki ni, dia tinggal berjiran dengan saya. pelanduk dua serupa kot. haha :D

    1. Ariff Avatar

      ehh. Jiran kat mana tu?

  13. fmtt Avatar

    Sekali datang ke blog ini, terasa satu aura blog yang hebat. Terima kasih di atas perkongsian yang bermakna.

  14. Nur Avatar

    saya jumpa nm sdr beberapa kali dalam beberapa dan mungkin lebih dari beberapa kali dalam blog-blog yang saya lawati. Saya baru sahaja membaca “resume” sdr di atas. wahh..no wonderlah depa dok tulis nama hang eh..hehhe..ok, sy blogger baru. semoga terus suksess dlm dunia blogging.

    1. Ariff Avatar

      hehe.. resume dah lama tak update. Selamat datang ke blog.ariff

  15. seneorita baharin Avatar

    Good luck in the future..May Allah bless u :)

  16. mr.pingu Avatar

    hensem la ariffshah.. ehehe ;)

  17. cmratu Avatar

    Antara remaja hebat di Malaysia.. tahniah.. memang kagum dgn Ariffshah.. :)

  18. Jemari Ameera Avatar

    Wahhh seronok je baca blog saudara… dah bleh jadi idola dah ni :)) Keep on writing!

  19. Muhammad Danial Avatar
    Muhammad Danial

    Bagaiman seorang blogger yang begitu hebat sehinggakan blogger antarabangasa mengenali Beliau. Saya terjumpa blog Tuan semasa membaca 15 ways to generate traffic. Betapa hebatnya Tuan. Amat saya kagumi. Akhirnya jumpa juga seorang blogger yang benar-benar tahu tentang blog.

    Semoga Tuan Ariff sentiasa hebat seperti selalu.

    Salam Ikhlas,
    Danial ^_^

  20. Yusof YSF Avatar

    Salam perkenalan. Saya baru mula menulis blog. Harap Ada yg sudi melawat blog sy ye..Dan me baca sesuatu yg mungkin anda suka. T.kasih

  21. iAwani Avatar

    … baru-baru ni saya terbaca pasal blog Ariff di majalah Maskulin edisi Oktober 2012 menampilkan pelakon Akashah di cover depan.

  22. Jocey Avatar

    I’m blogger of sharing travel experience to wherever places I’ve stepped in. You might interested to have a look and recommend. Thanks.

  23. Fatin Avatar

    Hi there, well i am very interested in topics that you highlighted in your blog. I like the way you give your opinion over the incidents that occur all around the world. Even though you are in Russia, you still know the things that occur in Malaysia. I really like reading and stalking this blog because its very interesting and also very random.The topic is random and it is good not like other blogs that only focus on something specifics which is kind a boring. For instances this blog contain guides and tips, your experience and other thing likes that related to studies and religion. Plus your blog is simple and it is not too crowded like other blogs. Just the way i like it, ” less is more “. I love it when you write about your experience. Some topics that you brought up in your blog did help me with my dilemma even if it is just a little. By the way thanks for all the information written. Write more.

  24. ety Avatar

    thanks 4 this blog …oh man …awk telah memberi inspirasi untuk saya. banyak maklumat yg sngt berguna dalam blog nie..thank u man..n keep it up^^

  25. hegelatan Avatar

    hebat la awak…Tahniah…!!! suntikan semangat bagi saya ni….

  26. miss yaty Avatar

    hebatnye achievement selama berblogging. tahniah. anda memang layak. :)

  27. sofiah Avatar

    wah suke bace blog ni :3

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Thanks =)

      1. Asyrof Asri Avatar
        Asyrof Asri

        ASsalammualaikumwarohmatullah …

        Saya ada soalan ingin diajukan ..

        Pertama selepas baca tutorial pasang commentluv 2
        Saya tidak faham + tidak tahu mahu letak kod html kat mana seperti ini ..

        9. Lepas tu pergi semula ke Blogger.com> Dashboard> Blog anda> Layout> Edit HTML>, paste (CTRL+A dan CTRL+V) code baru …

        So, sebenarnya kat bhagian mana Saya ingin letak kod tersebut …takkan main letak je kot …

        Maaf Saya komen disini sebab bahagian komen di tutorial tiada ..reply …hermmm

        Ok …harap dapat bantu ..

        1. Ariff Avatar

          Paste je semua. Memang automatik.

          Tu tutorial lama. Untuk sekarang, saya tak tahu. Mungkin dah berubah caranya.

  28. EleEa Avatar

    nice blog…
    how to follow yours?

    1. Ariff Avatar

      Thanks! You may follow via my Facebook page

      1. eleea Avatar

        ok..thanks ya…
        Insya Allah~ =)

  29. rahmah Avatar

    suka baca yr. blog

  30. Tho Ha Avatar

    Tak pakai Topi Empat Segi ??

  31. taufiq Avatar

    macam familiar je..pernah ku lihat tapi dimana eh?

  32. sensasi2020 Avatar

    Mencari sesuatu yang bererti,
    Persoalan terjawab bila mengerti,
    Sambil lalu link terhenti,
    Blog Ariffshah banyak yang boleh dihayati.

  33. Orang Kampung Avatar

    Assalamualaikum…orang kampung jalan-jalan bah…tq

  34. Putri Raden Avatar
    Putri Raden

    like skit..suka baca blog ni:)

  35. obat jantung koroner Avatar

    artikel_nya bagus-bsgus dan menarik..
    salam kenal…

  36. Queen Teratai Avatar

    haaaa tula.. sekali pandang dapat rasa mcm orgnya sombong.. hehehe

  37. adi alida Avatar

    hm…nak puji sket..pandai ek karang psl diri sendiri..
    sometimes bile orang tanye sy, “cuba cerita pasal diri anda..”
    hehehe..terus blank..sbb rase cam tak tau nak cerita pasal ape..ke sebab tak ade yang menarik? :(

  38. amy Avatar

    first time bace blok ni. well, i feel interested with the way u organized ur words..n the way u interpret ur thought…btw all of the char seems really contrast with mine…i do ever thought is there anyone out there who have the same char like me n the one which is totally the other way around…now, found one…i do need to find ‘my twin’…

  39. zek Avatar

    Tahniah, kreatif dan berwawasan kalau semua lelaki begini pasti tak pupus kaum lelaki di Malaysia

  40. Oh! budu Avatar

    suka ayat tidur awal, bgn awal,, bla bla bla tu.. :)

  41. Mr X Avatar
    Mr X

    nak bagitau , ada satu fake profile pasal kau kat tagged.. fake profile tu femes dikalangan mamat2 gay .. friend list fake profile tu ade dlm 3000 org.. aku lupa link mana sebab aku penah nampak pic kat blog kau ni dlm profile dia.. kalau aku cari , nanti aku kasi..

  42. Isu Panas Avatar
    Isu Panas

    salam kenal..hehe

  43. Nurul Avatar

    Waa..bgus2! Penuh vision n mission..jejaka kt lua sna bly ler jdkn ariff sbb role model yep..hee~

  44. nur Avatar

    bestnyer blajar kat luar negara….

  45. Kazen Avatar

    ak suka bace blog ini walaupun tahu hang susah nk rapt nga org….:)

  46. qasih Avatar

    tegas seperti seorg jeneral… suka ayt tu hahaahah….

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