All these years, I’ve been wondering what actually I’m doing in Moscow Aviation Institute. The past 3 years covers mostly the core subjects for engineering students apart from the pneumatic and hydraulic subject. Let me try to break down what actually I’m doing for my specialized degree. Yes, I’m graduating as a specialist thus the never-ending years here.
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Subject
These 2 subjects explains the properties of air/liquid under certain conditions, i.e pressure, temperature, etc. Take example, a rocket flying upwards. The fuel, be it liquid or gas have to flow at the correct rate, too much and rocket would deviate from its trajectory and too slow the rocket would just stall. Pressure inside the fuel tank would change as the volume of the fuel drop due to the usage and due to temperature; it gets colder up there. With the correct equipment and system, we could overcome all those circumstances.
Note: By rocket I’m referring to those that are used as weapon, rather than the infamous rocket that flies to outer space. Our studies are based on that type of rockets, which are mounted on jet fighter wings.
Equipment for Flying Vehicles Subject
Just started this subject this year. Last week, we learned about this rocket [russian]; how it flies, its trajectory, targeting. This subject is pretty much everything about controlling rockets and the how-tos.
I’ll stop here for now. Getting headaches already.
10 responses to “What Am I Doing In Moscow Actually”
dulu sekolah teknik ambil mechanical engineering so hydraulic semua ni biasa la dgr and belajar dulu tapi x ada la’s an interesting subject sebenarnya and its related dgn physic..tapi dah masuk universiti ni surrender nk amik mechanical sbb kaum perempuan amat la ciput je..ada class yg x ada langsung perempuan..kaum lelaki sangat dominant. so tercampak la saya di bidang masscomm.but seriously miss lukisan kejuruteraan. :) just sharing my experience
hehe.. Lukisan kejuruteraan memang best tapi saya kalau buat drawing suka buat dalam komputer je..
oh..guna software autocad ye..(betul ke)
good luck!! cayok2!!
mcm ni pn kna bljr bnyk thun… igt dlu masa bljr sc, bab ni sikit jer… hihihi
Salam.whoa…very impressive!apa-apa pun,semoga berjaya dunia akhirat.
.-= Cerita terbaru N@zihah.. Aik, manggis?! =-.
blaja tu nanti kuar keje mende ek? sila terang
.-= nOj´s last blog ALBINO anak istimewa yg sgt comei LAST CHAPTER =-.
Ha. Ni paling susah nak jawab. Tak tau lagi sebab batch saya ni pioneer. So, kena tunggulah lagi 2 tahun cari kerja sendiri.
haah..amir..x g beraya dgn derg knp mer..?
definitely is what we call rocket science..
haha. btw. apesal ko xjoin jalan2 raya budak2 ni hari tu?